Dear Grantee Partners, Colleagues, and Friends:
We recognize the uncertainty and fear of this current moment for our grantees, partners, and communities. We are trying to assess and prepare as best we can for what comes next, including communicating with partners and participating in learning and action calls throughout the sector to remain up to date on critical issues. Finally, we are considering what actions we can take to support our grantees and communities in the months and years ahead.
In this critical time, Barra remains fully committed to diversity and equity in our work, which we see as crucial to the innovation we support. We will continue to recognize the need for equitable investments that support increased opportunity for under-resourced communities in the Greater Philadelphia region.
Below are a handful of resources we have gathered that could be helpful to you and your organization. Â Â We are not necessarily recommending any of these sources or tools but simply trying to centralize potentially useful information. Please know that we will continue to update this list on our website at If you have suggestions for other resources to add to this list, please send them to
If you have a question about an existing Barra-funded project, as always, please do not hesitate to reach out to your program contact.
Barra will remain steadfastly committed to our beloved communities in the Greater Philadelphia region. Thank you for always sharing, educating, trusting, and challenging us to grow in our work together. We are immensely grateful to be in partnership with you as we chart a shared path forward.
The Barra Foundation
Center for Community Investment
Democracy Funders Network
Democracy 2025
Fund the People
Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
Harvard Business Review
Immigrant Defense Project
Independent Sector
National Council of Nonprofits
Nonprofit Finance Fund
Nonprofit Repositioning Fund
Nonprofit Quarterly
Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia
Public Rights Project
Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund
United Philanthropy Forum